Search Results for: worth-conventional-loans

USDA Loan Florida

usda Loan In Florida

Florida USDA Home Loan Buying a home without making a down payment can be rather difficult. Most conventional mortgages require at least some type of down payment that ranges from 3% to as much as 20% of the home’s selling price. For a $200,000 home that can mean $6,000 to $40,000 out of your pocket! […]

FHA Gift Funds: Mortgage Guidelines and Requirements

FHA Gift Funds: Mortgage Guidelines and Requirements

If you are using an FHA loan, they allow gift funds to make it easier to be approved for the mortgage. This money could be the difference between buying your home this year or having to wait until you have built up your savings.

How To Convert Your Primary Residence To A Rental Property

Converting Your Primary Residence to a Rental Property

Many people reach a place in their life where they are ready to improve on their quality of living. This could mean investing in real estate as a way of improving their monthly cash flow or it could simply mean buying a nice vacation home at the lake, in the mountains, or on the beach. For people who wish to convert their primary home to a rental property there are a few rules and guidelines to follow.