Search Results for: wood-dale-conventional-loans

Winter Curb Appeal DOES Matter: Boost Yours with These Tips

Winter Curb Appeal Ideas

The ULTIMATE Guide to Winter Curb Appeal ideas. Getting a home ready for sale is similar to picking out the right outfit for a vacation; you have to know the climate and the season. Tips and ideas that are great for summer are not quite as effective in the fall and winter. To help people out through the holidays and beyond we have combined a list of ideas and tips focused on listing a home during the winter.

9 Tips for Move-up Buyers

Tips For Move-Up Buyers

Move-up buyers in the market for a different home and/or neighborhood, consider the points in the following article, and make the most of your new move!

20 Things to Do After Closing on a House

What to do after closing on a new house

These are steps that many home buyers miss, and later wish they hadn’t. We look at the 20 things you should be doing after closing on your new home so that you don’t make the same mistakes.

Ken Kilman

Loan Officer

Welcome to Nations Reliable Lending.  I’ve been fortunate to have worked with some of the area’s best loan originators since 1999. Their mentorship has allowed me to originate FHA/VA, Conventional and Non-Conventional loans with near certainty, year in and year out.  Our team will provide you with quality customer care while also delivering a better value […]