Search Results for: brown-deer-first-time-home-buyers

FHA Loans In Illinois

Illinois FHA Loan

Qualify for an FHA Loan in Illinois The FHA (Federal Housing Administration) loan is a great way for Illinois residents to purchase a home. Whether you’re buying your first home or 6th home, getting an FHA loan makes it possible to achieve homeownership with several advantages. Look at the following FHA mortgage requirements to learn more […]

27 Moving Hacks to Organize Your Move

27 Moving Hacks to Organize Your Move

This collection of moving hacks is designed to make your moving day a smooth experience and help you avoid some of the biggest pitfalls along the way.

Why an Emergency Fund is Important

Whatever the situation may be, everyone needs to have some money set aside in an emergency fund to help them get through difficult times.

2024 FHA Loan Limit in Illinois by County

Illinois FHA Loan Limits

Saving for a down payment can hold you back from purchasing a home. But with the Illinois FHA program, you can purchase a home with as little as 3.5 percent down, making saving for the down payment a little easier. You might have money saved in your checking or savings accounts, but family members can also […]

Why is Dual Agency in Real Estate Bad

Why is Dual Agency in Real Estate Bad?

Dual agency in real estate transactions should be avoided at all costs. A buyer and the seller hire a real estate agent for guidance and expertise. When you agree to a dual agent, you give up what you want from an agent.

Refinance Mortgage

Refinance Mortgage Program Requirements and Guidelines

Homeowners often get a ton of information from various sources about refinancing. Because there are many types of refinances it can be a bit confusing when trying to compare the different loans. This article will serve as a basic guide to explain a refinance mortgage and why a person would consider this financial move. Basics […]