Search Results for: spring-hill-fha-refinance

VA Refinance

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VA Refinance (Non-Streamline) A home loan, or a mortgage, is just like any tangible part of a home; it can be replaced. Appliances get updated or replaced due to improvements in efficiency. Carpeting, paint schemes, furniture and décor are replaced in order to accommodate different needs or to stay current with modern styles. A mortgage can […]

FHA Reverse Mortgage Loans

With the Baby Boomer generation getting older, many people who have lived at the same home for 20+ years are realizing a very important fact; you can’t eat equity. People who have spent years maintaining and updating their homes are in a position where they have a large amount of equity in their property. But […]

Mortgage Insurance: What Exactly Is It And How Does It Help Borrowers?

What Is Mortgage Insurance and How Does It Work?

The title seems misleading, right? Every mortgage lender goes to great lengths to explain to real estate agents and borrowers how mortgage insurance is necessary, how to calculate the amounts and when the mortgage insurance will likely fall off the mortgage. However, how does PMI benefit the actual home buyer?

USDA Rural Housing Refinance

USDA Rural Housing Refinance

The USDA Rural Housing refinance program is for those that already have a USDA rural development loan in place. Unless your current loan is a Guaranteed Rural Housing loan or a USDA Section 502 Direct loan, you cannot refinance into the program. The USDA Refinance is designed to lower the interest rate on a current USDA […]

Winter Curb Appeal DOES Matter: Boost Yours with These Tips

Winter Curb Appeal Ideas

The ULTIMATE Guide to Winter Curb Appeal ideas. Getting a home ready for sale is similar to picking out the right outfit for a vacation; you have to know the climate and the season. Tips and ideas that are great for summer are not quite as effective in the fall and winter. To help people out through the holidays and beyond we have combined a list of ideas and tips focused on listing a home during the winter.

What are Non-Warrantable Condos vs a Warrantable Condo Mortgage

What are Non-Warrantable Condos vs a Warrantable Condo Mortgage

Before you consider buying a condo, it is important to find out if the condo has been approved by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, if you are going to use a conventional loan. If you are using a government-insured loan from the FHA, VA, or USDA, the condo project has to be approved by their requirements.