Search Results for: coral-springs-va-loans

Jumbo Mortgage Myths That Are Holding You Back

Jumbo Mortgage Myths

Many misconceptions exist about the process of acquiring a jumbo mortgage loan. Thanks to the improving luxury housing market, jumbo loans have made a rebound. This article discusses the top 5 jumbo mortgage myths and why they are wrong.

Refinance Mortgage

Refinance Mortgage Program Requirements and Guidelines

Homeowners often get a ton of information from various sources about refinancing. Because there are many types of refinances it can be a bit confusing when trying to compare the different loans. This article will serve as a basic guide to explain a refinance mortgage and why a person would consider this financial move. Basics […]

10 Benefits of USDA Loans For Home Buyers

For people that want to not only buy a home but get a great deal on their mortgage, the USDA home loan is one of the better programs available for those who qualify.

USDA Rural Housing Income Limits

USDA Rural Housing Income Limits

A USDA loan is a great way to buy a house. The ability to borrow up to the home’s value at interest rates that are competitive with FHA and conventional loans makes this a great option for first-time home buyers. There are also new USDA income limits that make the USDA mortgage even better in […]

Virginia FHA Loans: Program Requirements and Guidelines

Virginia FHA Loans

Qualify for an FHA Loan in Virginia You’ve probably heard of FHA loans when thinking about buying a home in Virginia, but is it the best option for you? It is a popular choice, not only for first-time home buyers, and there are many reasons to seriously consider this type of mortgage. We look at […]

Mortgage Insurance: What Exactly Is It And How Does It Help Borrowers?

What Is Mortgage Insurance and How Does It Work?

The title seems misleading, right? Every mortgage lender goes to great lengths to explain to real estate agents and borrowers how mortgage insurance is necessary, how to calculate the amounts and when the mortgage insurance will likely fall off the mortgage. However, how does PMI benefit the actual home buyer?

USDA Mortgage

USDA Rural Housing Mortgage

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers a loan program known as the USDA Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan or just USDA Rural Housing mortgage. This program has been around for a number of years and is a great option for buying a home. The USDA Rural Housing Mortgage program is unique in three ways […]

Conventional Loans

Conventional Loans

Conventional loans by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are available to a wide range of consumers in order to fit multiple situations.  If you have great credit and a bit of money saved up, it is likely that one of these conventional loans is perfect for you. Combo Loans This is a great way to avoid […]

10 FHA Guidelines EVERY Home Buyer Should Know

10 FHA Guidelines

FHA guidelines prospective buyers need to keep in mind when shopping for their home. FHA approved lenders are able to offer mortgages with enticing rates for people that might not qualify for a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac home loan.